

TDC Business Parks Theme added to KnoxNetWhere

MPC's GIS staff, working in conjunction with Development Corporation staff, have completed mapping of the Development Corporation of Knox County's Business Parks in Knox County.  The new theme called "TDC Business Parks" is available via the KnoxNetWhere application (Intranet version).  The theme shows each of the parks in the Development Corporation's current portfolio.  Of particular interest to economic development entities is the layer showing available sites within the parks as well as existing buildings listed for sale or lease on the private market.


Business Parks ThemeMPC will be collaborating with KGIS and the Development Corporation in the coming months on a business park mapping application that will be available to real estate agents, site selection professionals and companies seeking information on available land and building offerings within the business parks.  For more information contact Tim Kuhn at MPC or Todd Napier with the Development Corporation" and

Tuesday, August 18, 2009/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (47)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Depts

Printing problems in KnoxNetWhere and MPC Case Agenda Map Applications

KGIS has upgraded the ArcGIS Server to Version 9.3.1 and now there is a printing problem. When users print maps that have a cache map service in the theme they get a black box in the upper left corner of the print map image. Most of the map themes use dynamic map service but still have one cache map service. This cache map service Countybnd_cache is included so the vertical bar and zooming in and out will work. We are working with ESRI on a solution to this problem.
Work around: For the mostly dynamic services with the Countybnd_cache map service:
1) Click on the Map Contents tab in the upper left.
2) Click on the box next to Maps_Cached/CountyBnd_Cache_png8 to turn the map service off.
3) Click the print tool and print the map.

Thursday, August 6, 2009/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (36)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Depts

Telvent announces KUB GIS Upgrade Project

Telvent formerly Known as Miner & Miner has released on their website a press release of the KUB GIS Upgrade project.  Read more

Monday, August 3, 2009/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (34)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Depts

KGIS Receives Special Achievement in GIS Award

San Diego, California - July 15, 2009 - The Knoxville Knox County KUB GIS (KGIS) in Tennessee received a Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award today at the 2009 ESRI International User Conference (ESRI UC) in San Diego, California. The organization received this honor for its vision, leadership, and innovative use of ESRI's geographic information system (GIS) technology. KGIS was selected from more than 300,000 organizations worldwide and recognized during today's SAG awards ceremony for making extraordinary contributions to our global society.

KGIS serves more than 1,000 Knoxville, Knox County, and Knoxville Utility Board (KUB) employees across 30 government agencies and departments and provides an online GIS to the area's resident population of more than 400,000. The centrally administered GIS is maintained by personnel who are located throughout the various enterprises. The GIS database is the primary source for cadastral and parcel ownership transactions, site addresses and street names, utility assets and easements, jurisdiction boundaries, and emergency response zones. read more....

Monday, July 20, 2009/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (277)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Public

KGIS Receives Special Achievement in GIS Recognition

San Diego, California - (July 15, 2009) - The Knoxville Knox County KUB GIS (KGIS) in Tennessee received a Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award today at the 2009 ESRI International User Conference (ESRI UC) in San Diego, California. The organization received this honor for its vision, leadership, and innovative use of ESRI's geographic information system (GIS) technology. KGIS was selected from more than 300,000 organizations worldwide and recognized during today's SAG awards ceremony for making extraordinary contributions to our global society.

KGIS serves more than 1,000 Knoxville, Knox County, and Knoxville Utility Board (KUB) employees across 30 government agencies and departments and provides an online GIS to the area's resident population of more than 400,000. The centrally administered GIS is maintained by personnel who are located throughout the various enterprises. The GIS database is the primary source for cadastral and parcel ownership transactions, site addresses and street names, utility assets and easements, jurisdiction boundaries, and emergency response zones.  read more....

Thursday, July 16, 2009/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (32)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Depts

Theme picker