

MPC launches beta Case Mapping Viewer for General Public

MPC and KGIS staffs have collaborated on the launch of a new online application which provides access to boundaries and details for about 17,000 MPC cases dating back to the early 1980’s through a mapping interface. Access the Beta (preliminary) version of the MPC Case application at


This beta version contains most of the functionality that is to be included in the final version, but users may experience some issues related to stability and performance. Internet Explorer 7.0 is the only fully-supported browser. For more information go to:


Further Note: The general public version of the MPC Case Mapping Viewer (described above) is different from the intra-net version of the MPC Case Agenda Map (accessed via the KGIS Map pull down at the top of this page), which operates upon a different software version and has functionality that differs slightly from the publicly accessible version.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (24)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Depts

MPC launches a new Case Mapping Viewer

The Metropolitan Planning Commission and KGIS have collaborated on the launch of a new "beta" online application which provides access to boundaries and details for about 17,000 MPC Agenda Cases Map (a KGIS website)MPC cases dating back to the early 1980’s through a mapping interface. Try the MPC Case Mapping Viewer here:

This version of the application is considered a beta or a preliminary release. At this point, all major functionality that will be included in the application is present, but users may experience some issues related to stability and performance. Internet Explorer 7.0 is the only fully supported browser, although older versions may work with limited or inconsistant functionality. For more information go to:
Wednesday, July 1, 2009/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (305)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Public

Introducing KGIS LITE!

A new, "beta" version interactive mapping site, called KGIS Lite,  has been added to  It is a streamlined version of the KNOXnetWhere site, and is built upon the latest generation technology to provide a more seamless and faster experience, along with access to KGIS Lite Interactive Mapping Site for Knoxville, Knox County, KUB Tennesseethe most current data. It has been designed primarily for Internet Explorer 7, so other browsers may experience some problems, or speed issues. Click here for an introduction to the new site, and feel free to email us on what you think.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (855)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Public

Full Screen Version of KGIS Lite introduced

KGIS LiteA revised, full-screen version of the KGIS Lite map viewing application has been added to KGIS's general public website ( At this stage, and since KGIS plans to make some additional changes to the app, it is being labeled as a "BETA" site. The existing KGIS Lite available only to KGIS's internal audience via, will eventually be replaced with the newer, more robust version.

Monday, June 8, 2009/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (55)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Depts

KGIS to receive Special Achievement Award

KGIS has been selected to receive a "Special Achievement in GIS" award at the upcoming 2009 International ESRI Users Conference in San Diego. A formal press release will be prepared later this summer. Congratulations to all City, County, KUB and MPC departments who have helped contribute to KGIS over the years.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (34)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Depts

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