Purchase Information

KGIS Digital Data License and Info

Digital data for Knox County can be “licensed” from KGIS. When licensing digital data from KGIS the user must sign a Data License Agreement before the data can be released. The data license limits the user from selling or distributing the data to other parties. Regular updates (or snapshots) of the data are also available to licensees as an optional add-on.

A limited-use "Product" license is also available for some of the KGIS datasets at a lower per-unit cost than the regular licenses. This type of license, for instance, restricts the use of the KGIS data to a single, view-only specific use product, such as embedding it into an existing website for display purposes only.

There are volume discount available when purchasing more than 40 tiles (see Volume Discount Table). Please see examples of datacut pricing.

A single digital file of planimetric features in ESRI Shapefile or GDB format. Planimetric data is captured at a resolution of either 1:1200 (urban areas) or 1:2400 (rural areas). The data is licensed per map sheet (2500' x 2500') or by total square footage. Planimetry includes such things as hydrography, building footprints, edge of traveled way and driveways.
  • $100 per map sheet
  • $10 per map sheet for AutoCAD or DWG conversion
A single digital file of topographic contour features in ESRI Shapefile or GDB format. Topographic data is captured at one-of-two resolutions: 1:1200 for urban areas; or 1:2400 for rural areas). Areas mapped at 1:1200 contain 2ft contours. Areas mapped at 1:2400 contain 4ft contours. The data is licensed per map sheet (2500' x 2500') or by total square acreage.
  • $100 per map sheet
  • $10 per map sheet for AutoCAD or DWG conversion
A single digital file of property features in ESRI Shapefile or GDB format. The data is licensed on a map sheet basis (2500' x 2500') or by total square acreage.
  • $100 per map sheet
  • $10 per map sheet for AutoCAD or DWG conversion
The Digital Orthophotography data set consists of four digital orthophotography files per map sheet. Orthophotography is captured at one-of-two resolutions: 6" pixel resolution for areas mapped at 1:1200; 1' pixel resolution for areas mapped at 1:2400. The data is licensed on a map sheet basis (2500' x 2500') or by total square acreage. A minimum two hour labor charge is required for digital orthophotography.
  • $100 per map sheet

KGIS Data Fee Schedule Examples

Final price will be the data cost plus $55 per hour for labor

Volume Discounts

# of Tiles Discount Cost per Tile
1-39 0 $100
40-79 10% $90
80-159 20% $80
160-239 50% $50
240-319 70% $30
320-399 80% $20
400-439 85% $15
440-479 90% $10
480+ 95% $5