School Zone Search

The address was not found!
Below is a list of potential address matches:

Home Address:
School Information:
Elementary School:
2023 - 2024 School Year
K - 2nd Grade
3rd - 5th Grade
For the 2023-2024 school year Mill Creek Elementary will be for grades K-2nd ONLY.

Starting with the 2024-2025 school year it will be K-5th.
Intermediate School:
Middle School:
High School:
School Board:
District #:

Enter your address in the text box above. Click the "Go!" button to see the for your address.

Please contact the Knox County Schools Transportation and Zoning Department at (865) 594-1550 if you have questions. Information shown on this web page is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and is subject to the KGIS Disclaimer.