

Regional Nine-County Address Standards meeting scheduled

The State of Tenn.'s Patrick Melancon (OIR-GIS Division) is scheduled to visit Sept. 17th, 2010 (10:30 a.m.) in Room 453 of the CC Bldg for a meeting with E911 / addressing representatives from the greater Knoxville, nine-county region to encourage participation in the “statewide road centerline” project. (KGIS is already a partner in this program, along with Sevier & Blount counties). Space is limited, so please RSVP to Keith Stump.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (34)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Depts

Server Upgrades Underway

Over the next several months KGIS is bringing online new server systems to host this website, store user data files and house the Oracle geodatabase.  In short, all KGIS servers are being replaced and this will have an impact, hopefully a positive one, on all users.  In summary the changes taking place are:

  • The file servers KGIS-FILE1 and KGIS-FILE3 are being replaced with a single system called KGISCCPRFS1.  All user data files are being relocated to this server, including the ArcMapDataManagement folder, KGISdgns, and all tiff-based orthos.  KGIS will begin this transition in the first full week of September.  We will contact all users and departments to coordinate the relocation of files, any drive remappings that are necessary and reconfiguration of ArcGIS Image Server connections if used.
  • The "old brown site",, is going off-line at 4:00 PM August 31st and will not be available until December.  At that time, this site, will become 
  • Replacement of the Oracle database server is also underway.  KUB users will go-live on the new database, with City and County uses transitioned in December. 

Please feel free to contact John Edwards (5-3130) or Conn McAnally (5-2127) if you have any questions or concerns.

Thursday, August 26, 2010/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (24)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Depts

City of Alcoa introduces mapping web site

The City of Alcoa has implemented a publicly-accessible GIS / mapping website, providing access to color aerial photography, parcel boundaries, FEMA flood data, and other data layers. A Stormwater Utility mapping app is also built upon the same technology. For links to other map sites in the greater Knoxville area, click here.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (387)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Public

TCA Restriction Zones theme added to KnoxNetWhere

In its efforts to enforce the statutes of Tennessee Code Annotated 40-39-211 in regards to sexual offenders, the Knox County, TN Sheriff's Office has created a map theme in the MY KNOXnet Where intranet mapping site called "TCA Restriction Zones", to highlight  areas which are "off-limits" to sexual offenders. This same map theme is also available to the general public via KGIS' KGIS Lite application (on Read more hereTo report any tips about an offender, send an email here

Friday, August 20, 2010/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (1028)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.0
Categories: KGIS Depts

Knox Sheriff publishes crime data to Web Maps

The Knox County Sheriff's Office is now utilizing an online crime-mapping website, CrimeReports.Com,  to help relay crime incident data to the general public, including sex offender registry locations. The Sheriff's Office generates latitude / longitude (XY) coordinates for each incident by using MPC's address database (hosted on the KGIS system), and then plots those locations onto the Google-hosted map. Reports and other tabular data are also provided. (Note: Only crimes outside of the City of Knoxville jurisdiction limits are currently shown in the application).


 Also, in its efforts to enforce the statutes of Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA) 40-39-211 in regards to sexual offenders, the Knox County, TN Sheriff's Office has created a map theme in the KGIS Lite mapping site (which is now called KGIS Maps) called "TCA Restriction Zones", to highlight  areas which are "off-limits" to sexual offenders. Read more here.

To report any tips about an offender, send an email here:   

Friday, August 20, 2010/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (2630)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Public

Theme picker