

Mapunit Aggregated Attribute table added to complement the Knox County Soil Survey

The new table can be found as KGIS.ENV_Muaggatt_KNO in the KGIS database.

The Mapunit Aggregated Attribute table records a variety of soil attributes and interpretations that have been aggregated from the component level to a single value at the map unit level. They have been aggregated by one or more appropriate means in order to express a consolidated value or interpretation for the map unit as a whole. One field that is very useful for Storm Water Runoff is the HYDGRPDCD (Hydrologic Group - Dominant Conditions), which is a grouping of soils that have similar runoff potential under similar storm and cover conditions. This column displays the dominant hydrologic group for the map unit, based on composition percentage of each map unit component.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013/Author: Chris Halcomb/Number of views (359)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating

KGIS User Group Meeting

Scheduled Topic: "KGIS Image Services are replacing ArcSDE Raster Images"

KGIS's database administrator Chris Halcomb plans to discuss the upcoming ArcSDE Raster Image restrictions, as well as, the Image Services now available to the KGIS Users. Chris will also discuss how to create a connection to ArcGIS Server to access the numerous Image Services KGIS has created over the last couple of years.  For more information click here:

Monday, November 18, 2013/Author: Chris Halcomb/Number of views (146)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating

KGIS Image Services are replacing ArcSDE Raster Images

ArcSDE Raster Imagery being replaced with KGIS Image Services

Dear KGIS User Departments:

KGIS currently has over 350 gigabytes of aerial raster imagery (“Orthos”) in our database that is redundant to our needs. Since all the KGIS websites, applications, and many ArcMap Desktop users  are now accessing aerial imagery via ArcGIS Server, and as announced at the last KGIS User Group meeting on October 28th, KGIS intends to begin restricting access to imagery stored in the database beginning December 9th for eventual removal approximately one month later after the first of the year.  The image services simplifies imagery management, greatly reduces the time to get the images out to the users, removes duplicate sets of the same data, and dynamically mosaics different years of images together for a single mosaic. Two good examples would be the 1996_1998_Knox_County and 1998_2001_Knox_County Image services that have 4 different years in each single mosaic (please see attached PDF’s).

Monday, November 18, 2013/Author: Chris Halcomb/Number of views (191)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating

1998-2001 Aerial Imagery added to KGIS Maps

KGIS has added some of the older Knox County imagery collected between 1998 and 2001 to KGIS Maps.  During that period only portions of the county where flown every year, at differing resolutions corresponding to our old 100/200 scale map sheets, resulting in this multi-year mosaic.  To view click on the Maps tab left of the map, then on the down arrow next to Historical Aerials to expand the selections within that category.  Next click on the button next to 1998-2001 Aerial to display.

The imagery is also available to ArcGIS Desktop users via the Image services hosted at (or  Users with an existing connection to this system may find the service under GIS Server connections in ArcCatalog or when adding a layer in ArcMap.  If you need assistance in attaching the imagery to your map document or first connecting to the server please contact us and we will be glad to help.

Friday, November 1, 2013/Author: John M. Edwards/Number of views (172)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Depts

New 2013 Aerial Imagery added to KGIS Maps

The 2013 Aerial Imagery from USGS has been added to KGIS Maps Aerial map theme. To view click on the Maps tab left of the map, next click on the Aerial map theme under Standard Map. For metadata on the 2013 USGS Aerial Imagery click here. For more information, Click Here.

Saturday, October 26, 2013/Author: Jimmy Brink/Number of views (1822)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 2.5
Categories: Public

Theme picker