

KGIS to start editing High-Priority Landbase Features

Landbase Feature Class Updates Coming Soon

Over the next several weeks, KGIS will version and enable archiving on the 24 landbase feature classes. This will allow us to edit the landbase data and update it based off the 2014 aerial orthophotography and subsequent years. We will capture those edits in an archive so we can look at the data changes overtime.  KGIS will start with the High-Priority Planimetry Features outlined in the Strategic Plan for Landbase Update Program . Read More.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014/Author: Chris Halcomb/Number of views (144)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 5.0

Last Year's 2014 Tax Roll Values added to KGIS Database

Property Assessor JAN 01, 2014 assessment values

The Property Assessor's last-year final 2014 Tax Roll tables have been imported into KGIS's Oracle database for those ArcGIS users who may want to access those JAN 01, 2014  values.  These attributes... READ MORE
Wednesday, November 19, 2014/Author: Chris Halcomb/Number of views (75)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 5.0

KGIS User Group Meeting

Topics: Long-Range Planimetric/Topographic Mapping Program

The KGIS User Group meeting is scheduled for Aug. 25th at 2:00 p.m. This month's KGIS User Group will be an introductory discussion on our long-range planimetric/topographic mapping program, where we will visually show our current mapped features along with our future, purposed mapped features. Read More.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014/Author: Chris Halcomb/Number of views (714)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 5.0

KGIS Maps Help has been updated with Pictometry information

KGIS has updated the KGIS Maps Help document, click here to go to the Help pdf file. Look for the Web Site Integration section of the help document and then scroll down to the Pictometry Viewer section. If you are using KGIS Maps click on the Help icon  to get to the pdf file.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014/Author: Jimmy Brink/Number of views (994)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 1.0
Categories: Public

Set your dates for Pictometry Training

July 29th - 31st

Pictometry training is scheduled for July 29th through July 31st. Joe Oddi, with Pictometry,  will be here leading the training on Pictometry Online (POL), ArcGIS for Pictometry -Local Extension (AGP), and the Integrated Pictometry Application (IPA). 

The AGP and the IPA training will be in the small assembly room and will not require a sign-up sheet. The POl training class can accommodate 20 people and will require a sign-up sheet. We will have 4 three-hour long classes, 2 on Wednesday and 2 on Thursday, 1 starting at 8 am and 1 starting at 1 pm. To sign-up for the POL training class please email Donna Roach at with POL Training,  your name, organization, date, and time of the POL class that you wish to attend. Ex: POL Training, Chris Halcomb, KGIS, July 30th, 8 am.


Below is a preliminary schedule for the POL, AGP, and the IPA. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014/Author: Chris Halcomb/Number of views (47)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Staff
Tags: ArcGIS

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