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KGIS Receives Final Flight Plans for LiDAR and Aerial Photography Acquisitions

Spring 2016 Aerial Topographic Update

Atlantic delivered the final flight plans for the LiDAR and Aerial photography acquisitions today. As soon as  weather permits, they will fly LiDAR first and then the aerial photography mission will follow within 2-3 weeks. Atlantic was scheduled to be here on February 9th for a project kick off meeting, but we had to reschedule due to weather. The Kickoff Meeting of the Spring 2016 Aerial Topographic Update project has been re-scheduled for Tuesday, Feb 23rd 2016. click here to see the flight paths.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016/Author: Chris Halcomb/Number of views (86)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating

KGIS Server Replacements set for April 2016 completion

Planned schedule of software and hardware upgrades

KGIS staff have published a schedule plan for the Spring 2016 replacement of the production hardware servers (which host our primary database and web applications). [An upgrade of KGIS's database software (Oracle and ArcGIS SDE) is also planned]....Click Here for More.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016/Author: Keith G. Stump/Number of views (93)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating

Tips & Tricks: Oblique Imagery via KGIS Maps

How to Access Oblique Imagery

KGIS Maps Tip & Tricks: To access the oblique aerial imagery from KGIS Maps, one will want to use the Launch drop-down tool located on the blue toolbar  near the top of the screen. Click here for more information...


Monday, November 9, 2015/Author: Keith G. Stump/Number of views (818)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 3.5

KGIS RFQ Submission period has ended

Request for Qualifications now being Evaluated

The deadline for proposals ended on October 7, 2015 for KGIS's solicitation for Aerial and Topographic mapping services. An Evaluation Team led by Knox County Purchasing will now commence to review and issue an award to the most qualified vendor. READ MORE....

Wednesday, October 7, 2015/Author: Keith G. Stump/Number of views (98)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating

KGIS issues RFQ for Aerial, LiDAR and Topographic Update

via Knox County Purchasing

On behalf of KGIS, the Purchasing Division of Knox County TN has posted a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the capture, processing, and / or update of digital aerial orthophotography, LiDAR, hydrography, breaklines, spot elevations and contours for all of Knox County and optionally the KUB extended service area. For more information, and inquiries, visit the Solicitations page of the Knox County Purchasing website.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015/Author: Keith G. Stump/Number of views (614)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating

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