

Changes in ArcMap Desktop access to Web Services

Especially applies to Aerial map services within Map (MXD) document

KGIS  upgraded its ArcGIS Server system this past weekend, moving to version 10.2.2 of that platform from version 10.  Because of certain architectural changes in how ArcMap interacts with map services, desktop users of ESRI's ArcGIS software may therefore experience "broken links" in the ArcMap documents (.mxd's) after the upgrade.  This mainly applies to aerial photography layers in your .mxd’s...CLICK HERE FOR MORE

Thursday, July 30, 2015/Author: Keith G. Stump/Number of views (113)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating

ESRI Software Upgrade to be Re-Scheduled

from ArcGIS Web Server v10.0 to v10.2

The planned ArcGIS Server upgrade for this upcoming weekend (March 28-29, 2015) has been canceled to allow for further testing and adjustments to existing code.

KGIS staff have recently identified a mission-critical application that is using web services hosted on KGIS.ORG, but which has not been fully tested.  Therefore, it is important that the upgrade task be delayed in order to assess the impact.  A new revised upgrade schedule will be released later (and posted onto this site.) READ MORE..

Thursday, March 26, 2015/Author: Keith G. Stump/Number of views (97)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 1.0

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