

Sanborn to provide County-wide map update

KGIS has contracted with Sanborn, Inc. to acquire County-wide digital aerial photography every 3 years, and to completely update KGIS's planimetric / topographic data over a 6 year period. SanbornLogo.jpgThe project resumes KGIS's annual landbase map update program, which began back in 1990, but was temporarily halted in 2003 in order to re-map the entire County. To find out more about our landbase update program, contact KGIS's Chad ScheideckerJan. 11, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (37)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Depts

Sanborn to provide County-wide map update

KGIS has contracted with Sanborn, Inc. to acquire County-wide digital aerial photography every 3 years, and to completely update KGIS's planimetric / topographic data over a 6 year period. SanbornLogo.jpgThe project resumes KGIS's annual landbase map update program, which began back in 1990, but was temporarily halted in 2003 in order to re-map the entire County. To find out more about our landbase update program, contact KGIS's Chad Scheidecker.Jan. 11, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (485)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Public

SR-475 Knoxville Regional Parkway Study Area updated in KnoxNetWhere

The recommended alternative for the SR-475 Knoxville Regional Parkway alignment that the Regional Parkway Design Resource Team will forward to TDOT can be seen on the website in the BASE Theme. The proposed Knoxville Parkway would connect I-40/I-75 southwest of Knoxville, Tennessee to I-75 north of Knoxville.
The footprint of the alignment includes the proposed right-of-way for the Parkway as recommended by the Knoxville Parkway Design Resource Team and accommodates cut and fill and interchanges at I-40/75, Pellissippi Parkway, Clinton Highway, and I-75.
For additional information please visit, call the Beltway inquiry/hotline at (888) 447-7475 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday, or send an email to Inquires can also be addressed to the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (865) 215-2500 or

Tuesday, October 24, 2006/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (29)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Depts

SR-475 Knoxville Regional Parkway Study Area updated in KnoxNetWhere

The recommended alternative for the SR-475 Knoxville Regional Parkway alignment that the Regional Parkway Design Resource Team will forward to TDOT can be seen on the website in the BASE Theme. The proposed Knoxville Parkway would connect I-40/I-75 southwest of Knoxville, Tennessee to I-75 north of Knoxville.
The footprint of the alignment includes the proposed right-of-way for the Parkway as recommended by the Knoxville Parkway Design Resource Team and accomodates cut and fill and interchanges at I-40/75, Pellissippi Parkway, Clinton Highway, and I-75.
For additional information please visit, call the Beltway inquiry/hotline at (888) 447-7475 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday, or send an email to Inquires can also be addressed to the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (865) 215-2500 or

Tuesday, October 24, 2006/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (650)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Public

Sevier County Map Website now available

Property, Address and Aerial Photography for Sevier County is now accessible via a new interactive mapping website being hosted SevierLogo.jpegby KGIS. The website, which is still being "beta-tested", will be updated once a month from a snapshot of the property and address information provided by the Sevier County Property Assessor and E911. To visit the website, go to Sept. 20, 2006

Wednesday, September 20, 2006/Author: Bryan Lynn/Number of views (37)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: KGIS Depts

Theme picker