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Property Lookup HyperLink added to KGIS Maps

in Parcel Identify...Get Full Parcel Details....Results pane

Author: Keith G. Stump/Thursday, April 25, 2013/Categories: Public

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A new "Property Lookup" hyperlink has been added to the Parcel Results pane of KGIS Maps,

 thereby integrating the interactive mapping application with the Knox County Property Assessor's new "E-Gov" Property Search site. The information


that is displayed in the Identify Parcel...Get Full Parcel Details...Results Pane of KGIS Maps (along the left hand side of the page) now presents the user with a hyperlinked ParcelID. (see image below). By clicking on that hyperlink, users will be presented with a direct link into the new Property Assessor's E-GOV site. Hopefully this will make navigation between the two sites easier. For more information about the integration of the Assessor's site with KGIS, click <here>.



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