FEMA data now updated on KGIS Maps

National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL)

Author: Chris Halcomb/Tuesday, May 13, 2014/Categories: Public

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The National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) dataset represents the current effective flood data for Knox County.  This dataset is a compilation of effective Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) databases and Letters of Map Change (LOMCs). KGIS received the data in December 2013, but upon the initial review of the dataset it had large amounts of missing data. After several months of revisions by FEMA, KGIS finally received a finished dataset. Although several database table/layer changes have occurred since the last update in 2007, we have been able to display the data using the same symbology KGIS has used for the last couple of years. Please go to KGIS Maps-->Maps--> Planning and Zoning Maps--> and Click on FEMA Flood Map or click here.

Below are links to Knoxville City and Knox County Engineering Departments

City Of Knoxville Stormplain Management

Knox County Stormwater

FEMA Flood Risk Database Technical Reference

NFHL Database Schema Changes

What changes are taking place to the NFHL Database schema?

The changes include:

1. Limiting the storage of all data needed to create Regulatory Products under the FIRM Database

2. Deletion of elements no longer needed on the FIRM and a reduction of acceptable values for database fields

3. Alignment of features to enable more automated map making for On Demand Mapping Tools

4. Addition of fields & tables to align with FIS Report/FIRM Panel changes

5. Removal of Monuments

6. Adding of lookup tables


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Chris Halcomb

Chris Halcomb

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