

Updated Aerials Products coming to KGIS

Data includes Orthos, Obliques and LiDAR of entire KUB Service Area

Author: Keith G. Stump/Monday, January 13, 2014/Categories: Public

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Aerial Photography will be captured for the entire Knox County and KUB service areas during the early months of 2014 as part of a GIS information improvement project jointly supported by Knox County, KUB and the City of Knoxville. In addition to providing updates to KGIS's 2010-vintage aerial ortho-photography, the project (with EagleVision / Pictometry Inc) will provide KGIS with a new update to its 6-year-old LiDAR datasets...


 ...(from which topographic contours are derived), and to Pictometry's trademark oblique photos (similar to that which is seen via BING's Birds-Eye View). 

The expected delivery date for the new products is expected to occur sometime in the next five months, depending upon favorable flight conditions and post-processing. KGIS expects to weave these new data items into its existing KGIS Maps and other applications sometime during the Summer 2014.


LiDAR = Light Detection and Ranging



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