

KGIS uses 2007 Orthophotography to update Building Footprints and Edge of Pavement for Knox County

Author: Bryan Lynn/Tuesday, August 26, 2008/Categories: KGIS Depts

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 These feature classes were collected using heads-up digitizing and are not as accurate as the other Planimetric feature classes. However, these features can be useful in showing a map that more accurately represents the March 2007 landscape. Below is a list of new feature classes created and the number of new and destroyed features:

  • STR_BuildingAdditions_KNO – 15,553 new buildings seen in 2007 aerial image and not seen in 2003.
  • STR_BuildingsDestroyed_KNO- 4,781 buildings not seen in 2007 aerial image and seen in 2003.
  • TRANS_EOPAdditons_KNO – 3,708 new edges of pavement lines seen in 2007 aerial image and not seen in 2003.
  • TRANS_EOPDestroyed_KNO- 203 edges of pavement lines not seen in 2007 and seen in 2003.
The features can be found at the following Database Connection: WinUser@kgissde.sde (which is the KGIS production database).

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